Friday, April 1, 2011

A Short Introduction

For the past year I have thought about starting a blog. I have worried myself that people may not find my opinions, adventures, conundrums, and pleasures worth reading about. This may turn out to be the case, but I think there are people out there just like me who wish to be understood and heard. So here I sit typing my first entry into my blog. I keep asking myself, what should my blog be about? My life in North Carolina? My inability to make any decision about my future, career, and schooling? My love for vegan baking? My marriage? My puppies? My hardships? I am not sure I am at a point where I am ready to pigeon-hole my blog into a category. So for now my blog will simply be about whatever suits my fancy. I hope that you will take an interest in my blog and read on...


  1. I have added a picture per your request. Thanks for following. I hope to keep your interest in my food and life adventures.
